Stephen Liu & Richard Moore – Life membership

Every now and again, the club honours people who have served the club, in an outstanding manner, over many many years.  We do this by awarding a life membership to the club.  It’s not redeemable or transferable, but it is treasured by those who hold it.

I’m delighted to award two individual life memberships this evening, to two people who have definitely made last contributions to the club.

First to Stephen Liu, who has been on the committee for more than 15 years – exact records are currently inaccessible due to the clubhouse rebuild.  We know it’s more than 15 years however, as one of the LED lighting vendors remembers Stephen as the primary contact at the club in 2004 when installing the lights on Courts 3 & 4.  Stephen has twice been president.   During the second time as president, he has been diligent and tenacious in pushing Boroondara Council for a new clubhouse.  He’s attended many meetings with council officers.  Scrutinised plans and improved on them.  What a legacy for the club – all courts illuminated and a brand new clubhouse.

Second to Richard Moore, who has been on the committee approximately 15 years – the exact amount unknown as we are relying on Chris Thompson’s memory due to the records, again, being stored away at the moment.  Richard served for several years as treasurer.  At that time he computerised the accounts which helped manage the cashflow.  Following on from his time as treasurer, he was president for the then-maximum 2 years.  After which he has remained involved with the committee, including that all-important clubhouse rebuild sub-committee. Last year he nominated for president again, however I defeated him in a secret ballot. Richard’s latest work for the club is the beginnings of a 5-year strategy document.