2015 Annual General Meeting

12 people attended the recent AGM on Friday 24th July and there were some changes of personnel.  Kerry Day and David Chin retired from the Committee and the Committee is very pleased to welcome new members to the committee

  • Deb Gilchrist
  • Dominic Lai
  • Alistair Hay


The Club President and CTC Committee extend their gratitude and thanks to outgoing members of the Committee:

[list icon=”moon-checkmark” color=”#E74C3C”]David Chin for his hard work with the setup of My Tennis system.[/list]

[list icon=”moon-checkmark” color=”#E74C3C”]Kerry Day for her role on the committee and for her work in communications and the website.[/list]


We also extend our thanks to people with non-Committee roles for their work organising competition play for our members:

  • Sue Constance (Night Convenor)
  • Pravin Sinnan (Junior Convenor)


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[heading]Report from the President[/heading]

[button link=”” target=”blank” icon=”moon-book-2″ color=”#E74C3C” text=”light”]Download the Presidents Report[/button]


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[heading]Report from the Treasurer[/heading]

[button link=”” target=”blank” icon=”moon-book-2″ color=”#E74C3C” text=”light”]Download the Treasurers Report[/button]
